Why Camping is Good For You: 5 Essential benefits of camping.

Modern life can be very stressful. We live in cities that are over crowded and congested.

We breathe air mixed with a cocktail of harmful air borne pollutant from gas and diesel vehicles.

For most of the day, we are cooped up in poorly ventilated offices or classrooms stressing over projects that will never make a real difference in our lives.

We just want a release from the bottled up stress. A breath of fresh air.

A camping trip not only gives you a break from that busy and fast-paced life but is also quite enjoyable for the entire family.

These days children and adults alike are in the habit of using their cell phones or tablets to such an extent that they forget to connect with their loved ones. Children love the idea of an outdoor recreation and camping gives them a horde of new activities to try and take pleasure in.

Moreover, they get a chance to develop many new skills and learn a great deal about nature.

5 Essential benefits of camping, reasons why camping is good for you and your family.  

There are a number of essential benefits of camping that is good for you. Camping is good for you and me because it gives us a chance to relax, reconnect with nature and let out body absorb essential vitamin D.

Spending valuable time outside in the sunlight release dopamine, the happy hormone, in our brain and seriously improve our mood.

In this article I will share with you 5 benefits of camping and why camping in the great outdoors is great for you.

1. Camping Helps to Connect with Nature    

There is nothing more relaxing and soothing than connecting with nature. It has been said that humans “need” to connect with nature in order to feel more satisfied and fulfilled. Today our children are nature-deprived because they spend too much time staying indoors. They are either studying or watching TV or spending time on cell phones or laptops. This is not only dangerous for their long-term physical health but is also detrimental to their mental health.     

Staying indoors reduces our oxygen intake and makes us tired and lethargic. A direct connection with nature; trees and wildlife, meals cooking in open air, the fresh fragrance of flowers, the chirping of birds in the morning and seeing a sky full of stars at night are some of the things you could never find or enjoy in the city.       

2. Camping is Good For Your Health    

When you’re out in the wild, you get a chance to discover nature by taking long walks or hiking and getting back to your camping site. These activities promote blood circulation and also facilitate a good night’s sleep. Since you get to spend a lot of time away from all those gadgets, you feel happier and more cheerful. It has also been said that a lot of sunlight exposure helps to control the levels of melatonin in your brain, which consequently improves mood.     

People who are often stressed out are advised to go on a camping trip. This is because you get a chance to relax and pursue activities that give relief from stress. Physical activity is always good for your health; don’t expect to spend time lazying around when you go camping. There are tons of entertaining physical activities for the entire family to enjoy on a camping trip. These include horse riding, walking tours, swimming, fishing, water skiing, games like hide and seek, tug of war, and sports like frisbee, soccer, bike race, and badminton.      

3. Camping Encourages Problem Solving in Children      

Developing new skills and learning to solve problems are natural outcomes of camping. Kids learn a lot when they go on a camping trip with their parents or teachers. Schools have special scouting programs designed to present a whole new set of activities to children that they wouldn’t be able to pursue otherwise. Children are also encouraged to feel confident about their skills and capabilities. They are left in the wild to think of ways that would help them achieve more peace in life.     

Children are exposed to many different conditions while they camp. Sometimes it starts to rain, sometimes there’s not enough food and sometimes they are presented with the challenge of protecting themselves from wildlife and other dangerous elements. All these challenging tasks make them active and mentally fit. When children return from a camping trip, they feel more active and find it easier to concentrate on their studies.        

4. Camping Promotes Relationship Building     

Experts suggest that camping can teach people a lot about relationships in general. People who are more experienced than others communicate the dangers and the survival tips to others in the group. They feel responsible and consequently more powerful. When you’re out in the wild and there is no one to rely on except for the folk who are around, you learn a lot. Everybody is expected to work and help one another through errands like organizing and preparing food, setting up tents, and getting ready for hikes.      

Couples who are experiencing problems in their relationship are advised to go on a hiking or camping trip together. People learn to communicate and participate in teamwork while they hike together or solve challenges together. They also learn to compromise, which is something that brings lots of benefits in personal life. Men learn to take care of the women on their team; they make sure they are safe and protected, which is again a powerful lesson where relationships are concerned.      

5. Camping Facilitates Meditation    

When you go on a camping trip, you have a lot of time on your hands. Sometimes you may decide to spend time alone meditating in nature. Although it’s possible to meditate anywhere but meditating in nature has a more positive impact on your health and your life in general. It has been established that spending time with yourself out in the wild helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps to get rid of all those negative feelings and get a new perspective on life.      Camping is the perfect time to meditate as all the elements that you need are present right at the campsite. You can be alone and you can also spend a long, uninterrupted time with nature. Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes and start breathing deeply. Repeat this for as long as you feel satisfied or happy with this exercise.     


There are many reasons why camping is good for you. It reduces stress, makes you fit and healthy, allows you to enjoy great food prepared outdoors, promotes a connection with nature, and offers a chance to socialize in a unique and meaningful way. And most of all, camping allows a family to make wonderful memories with one another to take back home. An exposure to sunlight increases your vitamin D intake and fresh air promotes a healthier and more active lifestyle. Spending time in the wild also makes you mentally fit and such a person with an optimistic approach towards life is better able to maintain balanced relationships with loved ones.